By Terry Garchinski

In 1989, Terry Garchinski was living on the streets of New York. Now, in 2005, he has won a distinguished service award, offered by the Association of Social Workers in Northern Canada, which recognizes his holistic approach to therapy.

He said the award means a lot to him, but the honour is not his alone. “In some way, this really recognizes all my colleagues,” said Garchinski.

Garchinski grew up in Naicam, Saskatchewan. He spent two years, from 1988-1990, choosing to be homeless in cities around Canada and United States, before hitch-hiking home to Naicam, and beginning the Social Work Program at the University of Regina.

He came to Yellowknife in 1993/94 to finish his practicum with the university, by working as a general therapist. Since then, he has been all over the NWT working with the Dene, Metis and Inuit people.

News/North NWT, Monday, May 30, 2005

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